Garden Centre: 01332 862769 Restaurant: 01332 865155

Opening Times: Mon - Sat 8:30am to 5:00pm Sun 10:30-4:30pm




Patio Fruit Trees





Fresh herbs are a must for any avid chef, and we offer an extensive range of local herbs perfect to complement any dish. While great for cooking with, herbs actually offer much more, like Basil (great for keeping away pests) and some even flower.






Our fruit collection can be split into three sections...

Standard Fruit Trees – The full-size fruit trees will stand out as a feature in your garden, standing at 8ft onwards these trees will need a large amount of space.

Dwarf / Patio Fruit Trees – These miniature trees stand around 4ft, great for keeping in a pot or small area, while fruiting just as well as their larger counterparts.


Soft fruit - While they do start the smallest of the three, certain species can get quite large, unless pruned or trained. All our soft fruit are from Scotland, handling cold winters with ease.


Herb Selection